
Signs You Should Consider Booking a Dentist Appointment Before Your Next Event

Dentist Blog

Do you have a special social event coming up? Are you looking for a new job? Or are you just trying to become the best you that you can be? In case you haven't noticed, the importance of first impressions should not be overlooked. For example, a clean, light and healthy smile during a first meet for a job interview can easily mean the difference between unemployable and an ideal candidate, but this is not only due to the superficiality.

27 May 2019

Roots and All: Why You Should Remove Retained Roots

Dentist Blog

When a dentist removes a tooth, they usually remove the roots too, unless they plan to use those roots to support a denture. That way, there will be no leftover tissue to serve as food for invading bacteria. However, when a tooth is badly damaged by trauma or decay, the roots are sometimes the only part of the tooth that remains. When this happens, the gum tissue heals over the roots either partially or completely.

30 January 2019

Some side effects you may experience after getting tooth veneers

Dentist Blog

Dental veneers are a low-impact form of cosmetic dentistry that should not give you any discomfort or pain. However it is possible that they may leave you with some minor side effects. Here are some of the problems that you might encounter after having veneers fitted. Sensitive teeth In order to fit veneers to the teeth, it is necessary for your dentist to remove some of the enamel from the surface.

3 January 2019

What to Know About Orthodontics for Autistic Children

Dentist Blog

If you have an autistic child that is need of visiting an orthodontist, then you may be concerned about several factors. You may be concerned about the appointment itself or the treatment options and how your child will react. For example, traditional braces may not be an option due to the sensory issues related to your autistic child's diagnosis. If this is the case, here are a few things you should know about orthodontics and your autistic children.

1 December 2018

The Benefits of Tomography Machines During Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Dentist Blog

For many years, x-rays were the gold standard of dental imaging techniques. A 2D x-ray image is still commonly used to determine the position of your teeth, the condition of your gums and the structure of your jawbone. While x-rays can provide an in-depth view of your mouth and jaw, they do have limitations. For example, zooming in on a single tooth in high quality can be challenging for most x-rays.

26 September 2018

Will a Latex Allergy Affect Your Dental Treatments?

Dentist Blog

If you've recently been diagnosed as having an allergy to latex, then you'll need to take steps to minimise your exposure to the substance. As well as making sure that you aren't exposed to latex around your home and work environments, you also need to think about other places where latex is commonly used, such as your dentist's surgery. When might you be exposed to latex at your dentist's surgery and what can you do to avoid contact?

14 August 2018

A Healthy Set of Lemony Yellows: Are Yellow Teeth Unhealthy?

Dentist Blog

What's the one facial feature that all Hollywood movie stars have in common? They all have a gleaming set of pearly whites, mostly. Although most people consider white teeth to be more attractive than yellow teeth, are white teeth also healthier than yellow teeth?  This might come as a shock, but teeth can be yellow for several reasons, not just poor health or poor oral hygiene. Therefore, if somebody's teeth are yellow, don't assume it is because they don't brush their teeth.

10 July 2018

How Dental Practitioners Help With the Fight Against Mouth Cancer

Dentist Blog

Over the course of a 16-year study in Australia, almost 61,000 cases of mouth cancer were detected. This included cases of lip, oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers. Among the diagnostic processes in place to try and detect mouth cancers as early as possible are things like screening programs for high-risk groups, public awareness campaigns and the work of general medical practitioners. In addition to these approaches, dental professionals have a big part to play.

10 July 2018

Juvenile Arthritis and Dental Health: How to Help Your Child Manage Toothbrushing

Dentist Blog

Children with juvenile arthritis may find it hard to complete simple, everyday tasks, especially during flare-ups that make it painful to use their arms and legs. If your child's arthritis affects the arm and hand joints, then there may be times when your child is unable to maintain good oral health routines. For example, your child may find it hard to use a toothbrush or may find brushing or flossing painful at certain times.

11 June 2018

Does Sugar Cause Gum Disease?

Dentist Blog

Gum disease occurs in several forms, including gingivitis (the early form,) periodontitis (advanced gum disease,) and aggressive periodontitis (serious gum disease.) No matter which type of gum disease you're dealing with, the odds are very high that sugar was at least a partial cause. Here's what you should know about sugar, periodontal disease, and its damaging effects.  Sugar and Gingivitis Gingivitis causes symptoms like reddened gums, swollen gums and sometimes minor bleeding.

25 April 2018