Will a Latex Allergy Affect Your Dental Treatments?

Dentist Blog

If you've recently been diagnosed as having an allergy to latex, then you'll need to take steps to minimise your exposure to the substance. As well as making sure that you aren't exposed to latex around your home and work environments, you also need to think about other places where latex is commonly used, such as your dentist's surgery. When might you be exposed to latex at your dentist's surgery and what can you do to avoid contact?

14 August 2018

A Healthy Set of Lemony Yellows: Are Yellow Teeth Unhealthy?

Dentist Blog

What's the one facial feature that all Hollywood movie stars have in common? They all have a gleaming set of pearly whites, mostly. Although most people consider white teeth to be more attractive than yellow teeth, are white teeth also healthier than yellow teeth?  This might come as a shock, but teeth can be yellow for several reasons, not just poor health or poor oral hygiene. Therefore, if somebody's teeth are yellow, don't assume it is because they don't brush their teeth.

10 July 2018

How Dental Practitioners Help With the Fight Against Mouth Cancer

Dentist Blog

Over the course of a 16-year study in Australia, almost 61,000 cases of mouth cancer were detected. This included cases of lip, oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers. Among the diagnostic processes in place to try and detect mouth cancers as early as possible are things like screening programs for high-risk groups, public awareness campaigns and the work of general medical practitioners. In addition to these approaches, dental professionals have a big part to play.

10 July 2018

Juvenile Arthritis and Dental Health: How to Help Your Child Manage Toothbrushing

Dentist Blog

Children with juvenile arthritis may find it hard to complete simple, everyday tasks, especially during flare-ups that make it painful to use their arms and legs. If your child's arthritis affects the arm and hand joints, then there may be times when your child is unable to maintain good oral health routines. For example, your child may find it hard to use a toothbrush or may find brushing or flossing painful at certain times.

11 June 2018

Does Sugar Cause Gum Disease?

Dentist Blog

Gum disease occurs in several forms, including gingivitis (the early form,) periodontitis (advanced gum disease,) and aggressive periodontitis (serious gum disease.) No matter which type of gum disease you're dealing with, the odds are very high that sugar was at least a partial cause. Here's what you should know about sugar, periodontal disease, and its damaging effects.  Sugar and Gingivitis Gingivitis causes symptoms like reddened gums, swollen gums and sometimes minor bleeding.

25 April 2018

How Long Can I Delay Root Canal Treatment?

Dentist Blog

Root canal therapy is not as barbaric as its name suggests. In fact, there is often very little pain during the procedure. Once the nerve, which is also called the dental pulp, becomes infected, it is important to have a root canal done as soon as possible. During a root canal, an endodontist removes the infected tissue and seals the tooth to prevent further damage. Although root canal therapy has a success rate of over ninety percent, the earlier the treatment the better the chances of a successful outcome.

12 April 2018

3 Common Causes of Toothache

Dentist Blog

One of the main reasons many people see an emergency dentist is to stop toothache. Toothache is a pain sensation, be it minor or severe, felt in or around a tooth. It is also called dental pain. A toothache can be caused by a number of different reasons, including these common ones: Tooth decay Tooth decay, or dental cavities/caries, is one of the major causes of tooth pain. It occurs when acids produced from bacteria-containing food debris damage the two outer layers of a tooth—namely, the enamel (the outermost layer of the tooth) and the dentin (the layer that lies under the enamel).

15 March 2018