How to Brush Your Teeth in the Morning Without Ruining Your Breakfast

Dentist Blog

Unless you want to share your meal with the bacteria that have grown in your mouth overnight, it is best to brush your teeth before breakfast. However, if you tend to eat breakfast soon after brushing in the morning, you may often find that it isn't quite as tasty as it should be. Your orange juice is bitter, and your jam on toast is bland. Many irritated morning brushers have blamed this negative side effect on the minty aftertaste of toothpaste.

22 February 2018

Dental emergencies: What they are and how to treat them

Dentist Blog

Dental emergencies can happen out of the blue, or they may arise after months of ignoring growing pain. Whatever the cause, a dental emergency is a serious issue that must be dealt with immediately. Let's take a closer look dental emergencies, their causes and what to do when they arise. By far the most painful and shocking form of dental emergency, an accident can quickly lead to chipped or broken teeth.

24 January 2018

Essential Things to Know About Dentures

Dentist Blog

Dentures are a form of replacement for any missing teeth. You can take them out and put them back into the mouth. Although it may take some time for you to get used to dentures, today's dentures are not only comfortable but also natural looking. Dentures can be categorised into two: partial and full dentures. A dentist should assist you to select the best type based on your budget and if you need to restore some or all of the teeth.

5 January 2018

Finding the Right Cosmetic Dentist

Dentist Blog

Cosmetic dentistry has grown in popularity in recent years. This may be attributed to the importance that society places on one's outward appearance. It may also be as a result of more people considering the importance of their oral hygiene and their overall smile. Indeed, a cosmetic dentist can use a combination of techniques to restore your teeth to a near perfect state. This causes your smile to be fuller, you teeth to become healthier, and your overall self-confidence to grow.

15 December 2017

Various Types of Dental Crowns

Dentist Blog

Depending on your dental condition, your dentist may perform several different procedures on your teeth and mouth. Cleaning your teeth, bondings and cavity fillings are some of the more common procedures and easy to complete. As well as tooth extractions and root canals, dental crowns are very often also required. It is these that come in different forms and serve various functions. Dental Crowns Dental crowns, also known as caps, is a prosthetic object that is cemented to the tooth.

20 November 2017

On the Cusp of Dental Restoration: Is a Broken Molar Cusp an Urgent Dental Issue?

Dentist Blog

A molar cusp, the pointed part of the surface of a back tooth, assists your teeth in the grinding process, tearing the food as you chew. On rare occasions, these cusps can break off. When the break is a clean one, this is not a dental emergency. It is, however, something that should be treated quickly. More serious fractures can cause a tooth to crack and require immediate attention. If one of your molar cusps has recently broken off, a dentist can repair the damage using one of the following techniques.

30 October 2017

Knocked Out Baby Tooth? Here's What You Need to Know

Dentist Blog

Dealing with a knocked out baby tooth is a different process to dealing with a knocked out adult tooth, and it's important to know the correct process if such a thing was to happen to your child. At face value, a knocked out baby tooth might not seem like a major concern, since an adult tooth will eventually take its place. There can be some complications that you need to be aware of to ensure your child's long term dental health.

10 October 2017